Friday, December 20, 2013

Real People, Real Lives (Genre: Society)

Often we come across people and things in our lives that are not so real, not so good. Did you ever wonder why it is the way it is? And if we could do something about it? This article just about tries to explain that. Life is an ever-changing phenomenon that no one can control or explain and yet even when we know so little about the forces that control it, we try doing our best lead real lives as real people.

Each society has its influencers in the form of prominent people, culture, business and political organizations, educational and religious institutes, media and so on. It is these who together with one's own self-make a person believe what the society is all about and what one should do to be able to live happily within it. Real people and real lives are what truly successful societies are all about. Let us see a bit deeper.

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”-Philip K Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon. Increasingly, the societies around the world are today shaping people's lives by making them believe that they must have material possessions even if they are not needed. As a result, people are becoming overly money-minded, jealous, greedy and unhelpful in a bid to outdo others and beat the competition to reach the top spot.

A real person leading a real life is one who lives by true personal values and works hard to achieve his needs while being nice to people around him. He is not overly driven by unidirectional greed but rather is self-guided to maintain a healthy work-life balance while being responsible. Real people put others before them and make a point to go that extra mile to help others succeed. Real lives led by real people are those that are successful, happy and useful for all those who matter.

Never in the history has the lives of people been under so much of stress and changes as of now. People and I would say that most of them witness pressures owing to joblessness, divorce, break-ups, drugs, alcohol, mental and physical abuse and so on that they find it difficult to lead healthy and satisfying lives. In other terms, they become unreal people leading unreal lives, unable to find true purpose in their lives.

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The job of the governments around the world and other entities as mentioned before that shape the lives of people then is to start having a fresh look at things as they are and start doing what is needed: an attempt to help people lead better lives by making the societies more healthy and friendly by bringing about a much-needed change in people's attitude and outlook.

People should be taught and trained how to manage life, be humble in dealing with it, cope stress, be helpful and so on. They need to be explained the uncertainties, the negatives should be dealt with and not be afraid of and that it is in the texture of life to spring surprises and disrupt plans once in a while. Victory comes with patience and never losing sight of one's goals even in the wake of adversity and disasters. 

A never say die attitude is important to achieve goals both in good times as well as trying times. Real people leading real lives pray in all times because never will it happen that your faith in the Almighty will fail you. You should take one step at a time, be focused and expect growth in a matter of time and not overnight. It is this message that life is often trying to deliver us which is mistaken as bad life. Life wants you to realize your limitations while dealing with it.

As a matter of fact reckless behavior, indecent approach will only make things worse. Good manners, positivity, helping nature, kindness and generosity are virtues that help overcome one's trials and tribulations and eases the struggle at hand. Under no circumstances do real people compromise their values, integrity and character for selfish gains. They live and die for honor.   

The benefits of this are manifold as talked before. A healthier society helps the nation produce more and better while leading a superior existence itself. It passes on a legacy to its inheritors of a safe and just world, ready to easily overcome the challenges of tomorrow just as it overcame the challenges of yesterday. In nutshell, we then arrive at a point when there is just growth and no looking back!

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